During the last months I have being using all my extra time to work on a new suite. Even being a professional skinner I never lost the pleasure of skinning for fun and believe me, this time was not different.
It is a suite composed by windowblinds skin, icon packeger, cursor xp, bootskin, logon xp, sysmetrix and rainlendar.
Yesterday (October 1st.) Pixtudio.com made it's fourth aniversary and I was planning to make those new toys to comemorate it's birthday, but....
At this point, I am on the last part, but 3 days ago I got a very nasty virus that hitted my hard drive with the power of a tsunami.
Fortunatly I had backup of all my work so the lost was not huge, but I spent the last 2 days formating, installing, installing and installing stuff.
I was planning to to release te suite today or tomorrow, but because of that, it will delay a bit, but definetly, just for a few days. !ronaldo!